Wind: 13 km/h↑from Southwest State:Hawaii State High:28 °CHilo State Low:26 °CWaipahu Max Wind:20 km/hLihue Weather in Hawaii(8 Locations) Hilo星期三 12時19分 28 °CKapolei星期三 12時19分 27 °CWailuku星期三 12時19分 27 °C ...
* Updated 2025年2月15日星期六 9時43分15秒 Hilo time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六
In addition to Hilo, Hawaii, United States, we have a list of more cities around the world available, which you can viewweather by countryname or create a list of yourfavorite locationswhere you have business or personal interests. The word "weather" in English can be translated as wetter ...
即便您身处的地方细雨连绵,在海边也几乎总能找到另一片阳光明媚的天地。 夏威夷群岛信风源源不断地送来沁人心脾的微风。在一年当中有些时候,信风会完全停下脚步,风改为由南面或西面吹来,带来暴风雨或炎热、潮湿的天气。岛民有时称这种天气叫“可纳” (kona),意为下风或南面,因为这种天气就是自这个方向而来。 ...
Weather information is datamined from various NOAA HTML and XML sites.All data is in the Public Domain Jump To Tide and Satellite Images Hilo Tide Chart Kona Tide Chart These tide charts where produced using XTide.Hawaii Satellite LoopsDatamined from NOAA, all data is in the Public Domain...
Hilo Tide Chart Kona Tide Chart These tide charts where produced usingXTide. Hawaii Satellite Loops Datamined fromNOAA, all data is in the Public Domain All islands Base Reflectivity Note, the following images are predictions... Probability of Precipitation ...
Here are the best places to live in HawaiiSafest States In The USThese are the 10 cheapest cities in HawaiiCheck out the 10 safest cities in Hawaii Hawaiian Acres air quality index & pollution index In the event that the air quality/pollution data was unavailable for this city, estimates ba...
Hawaii’s weather can be quite confusing for those used to mainland weather patterns. The Big Island has 10 of the 15 types of the world’s climate. Hilo is the wettest city in the US, receiving more 130 inches of rain per year while Mt. Waialeale on Kauai gets the prize for being ...
Kane'ohe Hawaii - United States 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 00:0725° Partly Cloudy AQI 22 Tonight: Partly Cloudy. Tomorrow: Shower Rain, the temperature is about the same as yesterday(28°), Windy and AQI is good. 21KM/H SW 78% Humidity Very Low UV 24° Feels Like 16km ...
Big Island Hawaii weather is nearly perfect, warm and tropical with more than 350 days of sunshine in certain areas. Across much of the Big Island, the temperate Hawaii climate is complemented by delightfully mild weather, with gentle trade winds and sunny skies most of the year....