WT4 and WT7 are similar to WT1, except for the location and intensity of the fronts. WT2 has a different wind direction, with southerly winds prevailing and basically covering the whole region. In WT9, a strong high-pressure system (Mongolian high pressure) is exhibited, with a high land ...
This is because raw mortality totals are highly dependent on the age structure of a given location. An urban statistical area with an older population will have consistently higher death rates regardless of other factors; thus, direct comparisons of raw mortality totals cannot be made between ...
With respect to the potential to over-Airgrriicgulatutree,20t1h6,e6, a42mount of over-irrigation in a season at each well capacity depends9 oof 1n6 the cumulative ETc over the 110-day period and thus is related to the specific year and location. The amount of over-irrigation associated ...
The study in [23] deploys a multilayer feed forward (MLFF) neural network model for evaluating the monthly average daily global solar irradiation on a horizontal surface in Uganda. The input factors of the neural model are sunshine interval, temperature, cloud cover, and location. The proposed ...
Atmosphere 2016, 7, 72 10 of 11 To summarize, our results clearly indicate the suitability and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm, even in the worst case of the 180-degree azimuth sector location of [90˝, 270˝]. In the case of the wind measurement over water, the range of ...