Now 23 °C Mild. Feels Like: 24 °C Forecast: 34 / 15 °C Wind: 4 km/h↑from South Location:Chiang Mai Current Time:2025年2月12日 (三)9時33分52秒 Latest Report:2025年2月12日 (三)9時00分 Visibility:N/A Pressure:N/A
Weather in Chiang Mai Chiang Mai, known as the ‘culture capital’ of northern Thailand, is a charming and laidback 700-year-old city famous for sightseeing, trekking, spas and mountain resorts. It is located in a particularly scenic part of Thailand, surrounded by mountains, valleys and meand...
Weather now in Chiang Mai and forecast Chiang Mai Livecam Chiang Mai Weather station livecam Check the date on the picture to be sure that the webcam is always broadcasting live. To refresh the image, press the F5 key. Average temperatures in Chiang Mai ...
Chiang Mai Airport:(155 km) Clear. More weather in Thailand Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 27 20 / 12 °C 28 25 / 10 °C 29 27 / 11 °C 30 30 / 10 °C 31 31 / 11 °C 1
Chiang Mai real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
The weather and temperatures are still very agreeable in Chiang Mai in February, though it still gets quite hot around midday in the valleys. It never rains, but by now the landscape is quite dry and the vistas hazy. Tourist services remain busy. ...
Chiang Mai, 50, TH 30° 22.5° 15° Temperature 29° 17° Fri 3 29° 17° Sat 4 28° 16° Sun 5 28° 16° Mon 6 28° 16° Tue 7 29° 16° Wed 8 28° 15° Thu 9 28° 16° Fri 10 28° 16° Sat 11 28° 17° ...
While outdoor adventures might be a little tricky with the rain, there are still plenty of attractions to enjoy. Explore theChiang Mai Night Safarifor a unique experience where you can see nocturnal animals in their natural habitat. For those who love a good thrill, consider visiting...
Now 17:22 Altitude -71° Heading 269°W Temperature See More Satellite imagery Weather Rank High Temp. Rain in 24H 1 Kantharalak 37° 2 Tha Takiap 37° 3 Kaeng Hang Maeo 37° 4 Khao Chakan 37° 5 Tha Pla 37° 6 Nam Pat 37° 7 Sam Chuk 36° 8 Bang Len...
24° 清迈府治县, 清迈府, 泰国 今日天气 体感温度19° 高/ 低 34°/17° 大风 0公里/小时 湿度 85% 露点 16° 气压 1013.2毫巴 紫外线指数 0(最大值11) 能见度 9.66公里 月相 满月 空气质量指数 52 良 少数易敏感人群应减少户外运动。