Beeville, TX Weather4 Today Hourly 10 Day Radar OutlookHourly Weather-Beeville, TX As of 11:52 pm CST Tuesday, February 4 12 am 66° 3% Partly Cloudy Feels Like66° WindSSE 6 mph Humidity94% UV Index0 of 11 Cloud Cover30% Rain Amount0 in 1 am 66° 3% Partly Cloudy Feels Like66...
Measured winds as high as 81 mph were observed at the Beeville AWOS observing site at 721 PM CDT that evening. A NWS storm survey team estimated winds between 80 and 90 mph generally from Beeville to Skidmore to Papalote. However, winds at around 3800 feet AGL were estimated to be as ...