TorontoWeather -6°C clear sky humidity: 72% wind: 17m/s cloud cover: 0% Next 24 hours 22:00 -6°C 23:00 -6°C 00:00 -5°C 01:00 -5°C 02:00 -4°C 03:00 -4°C 04:00 -4°C 05:00 -4°C 06:00 -4°C
Today: It's Cloudy during the day and Cloudy at night, much colder than yesterday. Windy and AQI is good. 19KM/H ENE 59% Humidity Very Low UV -8° Feels Like 15km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1018hPa Pressure 24H Forecast 9am 11am 12am 1pm 3pm 5pm 6pm 7pm ...
/ Weather/Toronto, ON Current Hourly 7 Days 14 Days Historical Weather AdvisoryPopular Montréal, QC -10° Calgary, AB -19° Vancouver, BC 8° Halifax, NS -5° Toronto, ON Hourly Forecast Toronto, ON Updated 17 minutes ago -8° -12° -16° Temperature -9° Mon 7pm -9° Mon 8pm...
Toronto Weather This Week Toronto, Canada weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 1°c / 34°f on Tue 25. Min temperature will be -22°c / -7°f on Sat 01. Most precipitation falling will be 1.95 mm / 0.08 inch on Mon 24. Windiest day is expected...
Today's forecast Cloudy. Cool. Hi: 31°F / -1°C Lo: 22°F / -6°C Tomorrow's forecast Moderate snow. Cloudy. Cool. Hi: 36°F / 2°C Lo: 19°F / -7°C Other weather locations in Ontario Brampton Ottawa Current Time in Toronto, Ontario, Canada Click here for the ...
Get the latest weather in yto Airport, Toronto Pearson International, Toronto, Canada for today, tomorrow, long range weather and the next 14 days, with accurate temperature, feels like and humidity levels.
Toronto 30 days forecast, weather trend in the next 30 days, also 30 days precipitation forecast and Toronto travel weather forecast
Toronto, ON Hourly Forecast Toronto, ON Updated 18 minutes ago 3° -3° -9° Temperature 2° Wed 9pm 0° Wed 10pm 0° Wed 11pm 0° Thu 12am 0° Thu 1am -1° Thu 2am 0° Thu 3am 0° Thu 4am 0° Thu 5am 1° Thu 6am 1° Thu 7am 1° Thu 8am 1° Thu 9am 1° Thu...
Tomorrow's forecast Light snow. Overcast. Cool. Hi: 36°F / 2°C Lo: 30°F / -1°C Other weather locations in Ontario BramptonOttawa Current Time in Toronto, Ontario, Canada Click here for theCurrent Time in Toronto, Ontario, Canada ...
Canada / 纬度: 43°40'北 / 经度: 79°25'西 / 高度: 112 m 时区: America/Toronto (UTC-5) / 当前时间: 23:49 2025-02-28 当前天气 预报 日月 3°C 风9 km/h 湿度87 % 气压992 hPa 能见度15 km 云量100 % 云底1676 m 来自气象台的天气报告 Toronto Il Vor, 距离: 4 km (23:00 202...