South Island 30 days forecast, weather trend in the next 30 days, also 30 days precipitation forecast and South Island travel weather forecast
* Updated 2024年10月3日星期四 14時02分59秒 Easter Island time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2024 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Scattered clouds. 19 / 16 °C Humidity: 64%. Wind: 21 km/h↑from South ...
14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Passing clouds. 24 / 12 °C Humidity: 90%. Wind: 9 km/h↑from South More weather last week Currently at nearby stations 19 °C N. Kingston / Quonset:(13 km) ...
20 February 2009 Robert Fleming - White Island plume and sea fog 8 February 2009 Steve Butler - Victoria bush fire smoke in NZ 1 February 2009 Mark Braithwaite - Electrical storm, Christchurch 25 January 2009 Tim Appelhans - Waterspout, Sumner Bay, Christchurch 16 January 2009 Noel Munford ...
NZ Upper Air Data Forecast New Zealand - South Island Forecast 1000mb wind & geopotent. height 10-dy Thumbnails Surface wind, MSLP and rainfall 1-day Thumbnails 850mb wind & geopotent. height 10-dy Thumbnails 3-day Thumbnails 700mb wind & geopotent. height ...
Beach weather forecast including temperature, sunshine, UV, rainfall, wind and waves conditions for Southland Region, South Island, New Zealand
Go to to see Fire Danger information for this location. Information High: Forecast for the calendar day. Usually occurs in the afternoon. Low: Forecast between noon on the calendar day and noon the following day. Usually occurs around dawn. Forecast times: Overnight: Midnig...
To prevent wildfire, follow safety guidelines Information High: Forecast for the calendar day. Usually occurs in the afternoon. Low: Forecast between noon on the calendar day and noon the following day. Usually occurs around dawn. ...
Northwesterlies also become strong and hot over the lower North Island this afternoon, with a Strong Wind Watch set to take effect for Wairarapa and southern Hawke’s Bay at 3pm, and Hastings and Wairoa are both forecast to hit 30°C.The front moves on to the North Island early tomorrow,...
Beach weather forecast including air temperature, sea temperature, sunshine, rainfall, wind and waves conditions for Hyeopjae Beach, Jeju Island, South Korea