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Popular Destinations in GermanyAachen | Altona | Augsburg | Berchtesgaden | Berlin | Bielefeld | Bochum | Bonn | Bremen | Brunswick | Chemnitz | Cologne | Dortmund | Dresden | Duisburg | Dusseldorf | Essen | Frankfurt | Frankfurt am main | Gelsenkirchen | Hamburg | Hamburg-Mitte | Hamburg-...
A quick and easy way to get the weather forecast for your region updated in real time by meteorologists! - Video weather presented by weather experts three times a day- Weather forecast for the morning / afternoon / evening - Rainfall radar- Value of forecast reliability - Probability of sunsh...
The current weather forecast for Emden in cooperation with Noon Evening Night Today:(4.3.2025) 1° / 6°C(34° / 43°F) 8° / 10°C(46° / 50°F) 4° / 8°C(39° / 46°F) 1° / 3°C(34° / 37°F) Tomorrow:(5.3.2025) 1° / 7°C(34° / 45°...
Past Weather in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany — Yesterday and Last 2 WeeksTime/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Currently: 3°C. Overcast. (Weather station: Koeln / Bonn, Germany). ...
When a severe weather warning or advisory is provided by the local meteorological institute, we display it as a banner above the wind forecast. The weather warning, for example a high wind warning, can help you prepare for dangerous weather conditions and avoid weather-related risks. The color...
# id is Cologne, Germany {id:2886242}, (err, json) -> console.dir json # 2 days forecast weather.daily {id:2886242, cnt:2}, (err, json) -> console.dir json # history for 3 hours weather.history {type:'hour', id:2886242, cnt:3}, (err, json) -> ...
The best winter cruises for cooler temperatures Cologne Christmas Market. MARY QUINCY/VIKING 18-night Viking cruise to Antarctica and the Falkland Islands Due to the Antarctic's location in the South Pole, its summers fall during the months of October, November, December, January, February and Ma...
Weather for Germany最新版截图 # Weather for Germany最新版 A quick and easy way to get the weather forecast for your region updated in real time by meteorologists! - Video weather presented by weather experts three times a day- Weather forecast for the morning / afternoon / evening - ...