Belfast, in east-central Northern Ireland, sees average summer highs of 18°C, average winter highs of 6°C, and an annual average of 860mm of precipitation. Derry, or Londonderry, in the north of Northern Ireland and to the west of Belfast, receives average summer highs of 18°C, avera...
MeteoTrend: Weather in United Kingdom for today, tomorrow and week. Accurate and detailed weather forecast in United Kingdom. Temperature and humidity of air, pressure, speed and wind direction, precipitation, sunrise, sunset, moon rise, moon set.
Across the Irish Sea, 60mph gusts have been recorded in Orlock Head, County Down, in Northern Ireland. Forecasters yesterday put 80mph at the top end of their predictions, with 65-75mph expected in most of the worst-hit areas of the UK. 28 Sept01:44 Don't risk your ...