Weather forecast includes all the Maryland & Delaware beach & coastal areas including Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Lewes, Dewey Beach, Fenwick Island and Ocean City, MarylandAnimated 24 hour Weather Forecast(Click here for Hurricane Tracking)Fenwick... Hurricane Tracking Center Delaware & Maryland Beach Weather Weather Data provided byNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (updated every 3 hours - Click here forDelaware Maryland Beach Weather 7 Day Forecast) If you would like your business listed on Beach-netContact us here!
InDelaware, Bethany Beach prohibits digging a large hole in the sand. At Myrtle Beach inSouth Carolina, visitors can’t dig a hole deeper than two feet with a shovel. When someone digs a hole, individuals have to fill it back up before leaving the beach. The use of metal shovels to di...
It appears that the weather will finally warm up just in time to head outside and observe the solar eclipse on Monday. On Saturday the high temperature will be 48, on Sunday it will be 57 and on Monday it will be 65. The extended forecast shows that daytime temperatures aren't expected...