天气预报 Extra listening Weather forecast 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 17 p. 流动的管道---血管PPT幻灯片 21 p. 河海大学水工建筑物(重力坝)教学课件02-重力坝3 剖面设计_PPT幻灯片 32 p. 沟通策略(电子邮件写作)(BA)_PPT幻灯片 18 p. 汤臣倍健健康快车培训(吴)_PPT幻灯片 28 p. ...
Weather-Forecast英文天气预报课件PPT WeatherForecast •Theconditionofwind,temperature,rain,sunshine,snow,etc.,atacertaintimeofoveraperiodoftimeiscalledweather.Britishpeopleoftenhaveconversationsabouttheweather.Asforweatherconditions,thefollowingvocabularymaybeuseful:1.Temperature:freezing,cold,chilly,cool,mild,warm,...
weather forecast天气预报词汇.ppt 热度: The Weather Man《天气预报员(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 天气预报ppt课件 热度: 相关推荐 -1 WeatherForecastWeatherForecast -2 •Theconditionofwind,temperature,rain, sunshine,snow,etc.,atacertaintimeofovera periodoftimeiscalledweather.Britishpeople often...
天气预报英文词汇---weatherforecastPPT精品文档54页_天文/地理_自然科学_专业资料。 谢谢! 54 谢谢! 54 +申请认证 文档贡献者 占远秀 教师 899831 8151283 3.0 文档数 浏览总量 总评分1 /2 相关文档推荐 天气预报英文词汇表 1页 1下载券 天气预报英文词汇---wea... 54页 免费 英文天气预报词汇汇总...
英语天气预报WeatherForecast.ppt,天气预报 Extra listening Weather forecast Part 1 Getting ready The condition of wind, temperature, rain, sunshine, snow, etc., at a certain time of over a period of time is called weather. British people often have convers
Unit 21The weather forecast New words and expressionsforecast [f?:-kɑ:st]vt.预言, 预报 announcer [?na?ns?] n.宣告者;播音员,( go over to 转到 forecaster 预报员 名词 n. the next few 接下来的几个 wind [wind]n.风, 气流 blow [bl?u]n.一击, 打击 vt. vi.吹; 吹气; southwest [?
forecast n. 预测,预报 announcer n. 播音员,节目主持 人 go over to v.+ adv. participle+ prep. 转到 forecaster n. 预报员 the nest few quantifier 接下来的 几个wind n. 风 blow v. 吹 south west n. 西南 bring in v.+ adv. Particle (transitive) 带来 air n. 空气 rain n. 雨 gradually...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 天气预报英文词汇weatherforecast.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:3471161553 审核时间:2019-07-19 审核编号:5031102333002104 认证类型:实名认证 ...
Weather Forecast英文天气预报.ppt As for weather conditions, the following vocabulary may be useful: Temperature: freezing, cold, chilly, cool, mild, warm, hot Sky: sunny, clear, cloudy, overcast Humidity: dry, damp, humid, wet Rain: drizzle, shower, downpour, storm Wind: breeze, gale 2....
Weather Forecast公开课课件 WEATHERFORECAST 旅职中专 What’stheweatherlike?sunny snowy cloudy rainy 一、Newwords 1.temperature[ˈtempritʃə]温度 2.centigrade[ˈsentigreid]摄氏度 3.degree[diˈgriː]度数 4.minus[ˈmainəs]零下 5.reach[riːtʃ]到达 二、Doyouknowhowtosaythe...