UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm 受影响区域 East Ayrshire 免责声明 此网站与 之间可能存在时间延迟。获取相关国家气象局发布警告等级的最新信息,请访问 Meteoalarm。 说明 Information on update: Warning extended northwards to cover parts of Strathclyde and C...
Image:Weather warnings for Monday. Pic: Met Office Image:Weather warning for wind on Tuesday. Pic: Met Office Teenager dies after tree fell on his car A 19-year-old man has died after his car was struck by a falling tree in Mauchline, East Ayrshire, on Friday. The ...
For further details see 大雪または凍結注意報 10:52 (水) から 12:00 (金) GMT まで 3/4 推奨の行動 指示に従って準備する 発表元 UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm 影響を受...
A spokesperson for East Ayrshire Council said it was a difficult decision to close all schools, early learning centres and education hubs, but that "safety of children and young people is paramount". Glasgow City Council later announced closures on X, adding that schools and nurseries would provi...
Oblast, které se to týká South Ayrshire Vyloučení odpovědnosti Mezi těmito webovými stránkami a stránkami mohou být informace předávány se zpožděním. Aktuální informace o úrovních výstrah publikovaných zúčastněn...
UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm 受影響區域 South Ayrshire 免責聲明 此網站與meteoalarm.org之間可能出現時間延遲。如需國家氣象服務所發佈之警示級別的最新資訊,請造訪Meteoalarm。 說明 A broad band of occasionally heavy rain will push east during Sunday morning and...
UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm 受影响区域 North Ayrshire 免责声明 此网站与meteoalarm.org之间可能存在时间延迟。获取相关国家气象局发布警告等级的最新信息,请访问Meteoalarm。 说明 Southwesterly then westerly winds will rapidly increase from west to east Friday...
UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm 受影响区域 East Ayrshire 免责声明 此网站与 之间可能存在时间延迟。获取相关国家气象局发布警告等级的最新信息,请访问 Meteoalarm。 说明 Persistent rain, heavy at times, will develop during Monday night and continue throug...
私達のCookie。あなたの選択。 The Weather Channelは、このブラウザでデータ、Cookie、およびその他の同様のテクノロジーを使用することで弊社のウェブサイトを最適化し、IPアドレスの一般的な位置に基づいて各種天気予報機能を提供します。詳しくは、弊社のプライバシーポリシ...
For further details see 中度降雪/结冰警告 从 周三10:52 到 周五12:00(时区:GMT) 3(最大值4) 行动建议 按说明做好准备 发布者 UK Met Office, UK, EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm 受影响区域 South Ayrshire ...