Paste the full DESCRIPTION file inside a code block below: Package: weatherOz Title: An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources Version: 0.0.1 Authors@R: c( person( given = "Rodrigo", family = "Pires", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "rodrigo.pires@dpird.wa...
Moving beyond description to explore the empirics of adaptation constraints Ecological Indicators, Volume 95, Part 1, 2018, pp. 907-916 David Gawith, Ian Hodge The influence of behavioural factors and external conditions on Dutch farmers’ decision making in the transition towards circular agriculture...
Description of the main non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) applied during each lockdown, reopening, and period of moderate restrictions. Figure S1. Imputation of the proportion of VOC using a logistic regression. Figure S2. Time series of continuous covariates included in the final multivariable...
The ECMWF operational ensemble reanalysis-analysis system for ocean and sea ice: a description of the system and assessment. Ocean Sci. 15, 779–808 (2019). Article ADS Google Scholar Massey, N. et al. weather@home-development and validation of a very large ensemble modelling system for ...
And with that comes a beauty. It was hard to photograph much but looking out across a dark forest illuminated only by Daniella’s headlight, the view is beyond description. We are out here to see the Aurora and the prospects are good. The Arctic sky is full of stars our cameras cannot...
Description of Additional Supplementary Files Supplementary Data 1 Supplementary Data 2 Supplementary Data 3 Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any...
Weather app by Michal Galubinski and thoke designis driven by vector graphics that instantly makes weather situation clear. Moreover, visual components are supplemented by detailed description. Weather App by Ben Wouterslooks sleek and sophisticated, featuring spectacular heavily blurred photo background ...
Weather Report forged a new direction in instrumental music with an exhilarating hybrid of styles that drew heavily on jazz while also incorporating elements of rock, funk, free flowing group improvisation, electronic abstraction and pan-global exotica
The attribution issue and description of the trends caused by changes in external forcing are relevant at these scales to understand the physical mechanisms of change, the consequences of anthropogenic climate change and the appropriate policies. An important recent research topic concerns the effects ...
Description of Additional Supplementary Information Supplementary Movie 1 Supplementary Movie 2 Supplementary Movie 3 Supplementary Movie 4 Supplementary Movie 5 Supplementary Movie 6 Supplementary Movie 7 Supplementary Movie 8 Supplementary Movie 9 Supplementary Movie 10 Source data Source Data Rights and permi...