Learning colors for toddlers gamessorting kite tassles (free printable) Spring Coloring Sheets Bug Coloring Sheets Spring Crafts for Kids Whether you want to make colorful spring rainbow crafts, umbrella rain crafts, butterfly crafts, or baby animal craft projects, we’ve got some cute ideas!
Print the reproducible and make a copy for each student. Prior to introducing the activity, prompt students to look out the window. Ask,Is it raining, or is it sunny? Is it hot, or is it cold?Tell students that the answers to these questions tell us what the weather is at this momen...
I went looking for a big list of weather activities, and I came up with several. Playdough to Plato has a great list. We Are Teachers has a long one. Then I remembered that I also have a big collection of activities and crafts on my Weather Pinterest board. Last but not least, I ...