weather pages including current sensor readings, climate information, forecasts, links, archive, and weather history
The dominant air currents that affect climate are known as prevailing winds. Prevailing winds are winds that blow in one direction more often than from other directions. Prevailing winds bring air from one type of climate to another. For example, warm winds that travel over water tend to collec...
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Climate is the average of weather, the way weather usually is over a long time. Scientists who study climate are called climatologists. Climatologists put climates into four groups: warm and wet, warm and dry, cold and wet, cold and dry. Near the north and south poles the climate is cold...
Its climate is quite different from that of a rain forest,which may be the same distance from the equator, but rain falls almost every day. The amount of rain or snow depends on the winds, the nearby mountains, and the currents (水流) in nearby seas. Rainfall depends on many different ...
There are several factors that control the climate and weather at any one location. These factors include variations in solar radiation due to latitude, distribution of continents and oceans, atmospheric pressure and wind systems, ocean currents, major terrain features, proximity to water bodies, and...
Weather is Not Climate A prediction of rain from the television forecaster tells you what the weather holds for the day, which is not the same as climate. Climate refers to long-term average temperatures, rain and snowfall data collected in a region over several years. To get the most up-...
There are several factors that control the climate and weather at any one location. These factors include variations in solar radiation due to latitude, distribution of continents and oceans, atmospheric pressure and wind systems, ocean currents, major terrain features, proximity to water bodies, and...
weather-and-climate(天气与气候)WeatherAndClimate & Vocabulary Humidity:theamountofwaterintheair.(空气中的)湿度Prevailing:existingormostcommonataparticulartime.普遍的,盛行的,流行的 Slant:toslopeortomakesomethingsplogeinaparticulardirection.(使)倾斜,歪斜 Vapour:amassofverysmalldropsofliquidintheair.蒸气,...
Temecula Weather Pages (California) including current sensor readings, forecasts, weather news and features, links, weather history and climate information