The Weather Channel Interactive #32(天氣) 4.3 • 6 個評分 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad Apple TV 描述 從The Weather Channel 裡取得準確的當地天氣預報。您可以輕鬆找到所有的天氣資訊,以自信地規劃您的生活。 雨、風暴或好天氣:運用正確的工具和洞察力,只要輕按幾下即可規畫您的一天、...
iPad版Weather Channel更换扁平化界面 [泡泡网平板电脑频道] iPad 版 Weather Channel 今天迎来一次重大视觉更新,其主要新特性就是更换了 iOS 7 风格的扁平界面。除此之外,更新过后的 Weather Channel 还包含有一张可以显示本地实时天气状态的图片。iPad 一直都没有原生天气应用,Weather Channel 是苹果向用户推荐的非常...
Explore top free Weather apps for your iPad on the App Store, like Weather - The Weather Channel, Weather ´, and more.
"Weather Channel app crashes immediately after opening : The Weather Channel app on my iPhone 14pro closes immediately after tapping it open. I recently installed iOS 16.6.1. I have powered off the phone and deleted/reinstalled the app but it is still not working. Any advice?" --- Troubles...
其实 The Weather Channel 算是 IBM 子公司,2021 年 ForecastWatch 研究报告中被公认是全球最准确的天气预报提供商,能通过人工智慧技术和先进预报天气能力,在全球每年降水、温度、风预测等不同指标上排名都获得第一名,才会被 Apple 当成是 iPhone 与 iPad 自带天气 APP 资料来源。实际上会导致 iPhone 天气 App ...
Weather Forecast Channel 4+ Waheed Khan 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Weather Update app is the great app for iOS devices. To check the weather conditions of any location weather updates can help you in all respects. Before going for picnic party/meeting/urgent work most of the...
Weather Forecast Channel 4+ Waheed Khan 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Weather Update app is the great app for iOS devices. To check the weather conditions of any location weather updates can help you in all respects. Before going for picnic party/meeting/urgent work most of the...
Apple will no longer be getting their weather information from Yahoo, instead they will just get it from The Weather Channel. The weather channel has it's own app for the iPad and it's great. Reply User profile for user: IdrisSeabright IdrisSeabright User level: Level 10 172,139 points...
Weather Radar - Channel Pro + The windy rain forecast app 更新日志 In this version you'll find that we improved the performance of the app and fixed some bugs. 视频/截图 iPhone iPad Apple watch 应用描述 Weather Radar is the most accurate, reliable weather tracker and forecast app, allowing...