We're changing hosts for our Canyon Crest weather station. Current weather will be down for a while (probably a few weeks) while we make the change. Thanks Jim Ness of Inland Empire News Radio f ... March 20, 2015 Isolated showers reported Wednesday - posted 7:01 PM A low pressure ...
-- 晚上 -4° 降雨几率0% 夜间 -9° 降雨几率0% 东城区 今日天气 体感温度-9° 7:36 17:07 高/ 低 --/-10° 大风 26公里/小时 湿度 27% 露点 -19° 气压 1038.3毫巴 紫外线指数 0(最大值11) 能见度 9.66公里 月相 盈凸月 每小时预报 ...
Harvest date Changing harvesting date of crop in response to climate change and extreme weather events Crop/Farm Reduce cultivation Reduce the share of land used for the cultivation of a specific crop vulnerable to climate change and EWEs Crop/Farm Increase cultivation Increase the share of land us...
Changing frequencies of extreme weather events and shifting fire seasons call for enhanced capability to forecast where and when forested landscapes switch from a nonflammable (i.e., wet fuel) state to the highly flammable (i.e., dry fuel) state required for catastrophic forest fires. Current ...
Attributing Venice Acqua Alta events to a changing climate and evaluating the efficacy of MoSE adaptation strategy Davide Faranda Mireia Ginesta Marco Anzidei npj Climate and Atmospheric Science(2023) Temporal dimensions of taxonomic and functional fish beta diversity: scaling environmental drivers in trop...
The Arctic’s rapid sea ice decline may influence global weather patterns, making the understanding of Arctic weather variability (WV) vital for accurate weather forecasting and analyzing extreme weather events. Quantifying this WV and its impacts under
The research involved (i) the statistical modelling of meteorological and sectoral time series, aimed at quantifying the impacts of changing weather variables on sector output, (ii) a population survey, aimed at investigating public perception of and behavioural response to unusually hot and dry ...
There is now a broad scientific consensus that the global climate is changing in ways that are likely to have a profound impact on human society and the natural environment over the coming decades. The challenge for Facilities Mangers is to ensure that business continuity plans acknowledge the ...
Cities are the cores of economic activity and the amount of people and assets endangered by extreme weather events is large, even under the current climate. A changing climate with changing extreme weather patterns and the process of urbanization will make the whole issue even more relevant in ...
1492Citations 851Altmetric Metrics Abstract The ostensibly large number of recent extreme weather events has triggered intensive discussions, both in- and outside the scientific community, on whether they are related to global warming. Here, we review the evidence and argue that for some types of ...