* Updated 2025年2月17日星期一 22時42分56秒 Busan time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Clear. 7 / 1 °C Humidity: 29%. Wind: 17 km/h↑from Northwest ...
Forecast: 12 / 0 °C Wind: 4 km/h↑from Southwest Country:South Korea Country High:13 °CGangneung Country Low:5 °CPyeongChang Max Wind:13 km/hGangneung Weather in South Korea(19 Locations) Busan星期五 11時58分 11 °CGunsan星期五 11時58分 ...
Expect 29°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Busan in August. Check more long-term weather averages for Busan in August before you book your next holiday to South Korea in 2025/2026.2929°C max day temperature 77 hours of sunshine ...
Busan real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
부산 광역시 (Busan) ☀ ✅ 10天的气象预报,信息来自气象观测站,网络摄像头,日出日落,当地风和降水图
Weather.com 為您帶來最準確的 釜山廣域市, 大韓民國 每月氣象預報平均/記錄和高/低溫、降雨量及更多資訊。
South Korea Weather Updates - Find latest Today South Korea Weather according to different cities. Weather conditions of South Korea and Weather Forecast of South Korea & its cities. Accurate Weather predictions and conditions.
Climate information for Busan (South Korea) - weather averages in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit.
月出01:32 下弦月 月沒11:12 週六22 5°/-5° 0% 週六22 | 白天 5° 西北20 km/h 大部晴朗。 非常冷。 高溫 5°C。 15 到 25 公里/小時 的 西北 風。 濕度35% 紫外線指數5 (最大值 11) 日出07:02 日落18:12 週六22 | 夜晚 -5° 西北18 km/h 局部多...
Busan 10° 1°/ 9° Incheon 4° -3°/ 2° Daegu 7° -2°/ 6° Gwangju 9° -1°/ 8° Daejeon 7° -3°/ 3° Suwon 4° -4°/ 2° Ulsan 10° -1°/ 9° Pyeongchang 1° -5°/ 1° What's new on meteologix.com?