Wind: 6 km/h↑from North Location:Berlin Municipal Airport Current Time:2024年12月8日 (日)4時09分06秒 Latest Report:2024年12月8日 (日)3時08分 Visibility:3 km Pressure:1004 mbar Humidity:85% Dew Point:-9 °C Upcoming 5 hours
Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2003), pp. 363-370 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Hakuba et al., 2014 M.Z. Hakuba, D. Folini, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, M. Wild Spatial representativeness of ground-based solar radiation measurements—Extension to the full Meteos...
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Table A1. Statistical results of the Malekroud forest reference hourly data of wind speed and wind direction in compaction with eight main wind directions. a: Common area burned in the real and simulated fire (hectares), b: Area burned in the simulated fire and unburned in the real fire ...
(mP) in this paper. Coverage and spatial resolution of the NCEP reanalysis data are: geographic longitude and latitude: 0.0°–358.125° E, −88.542° N to 88.542° N; spatial resolution: about 2.5° × 2.5°; period and temporal resolution: 1 January 1948 to now, 6-hourly, daily, ...
These estimates are in agreement with independent studies of other cities (e.g., Berlin, Saint-Denis). It is likely that the modelling errors are related to inaccuracies in chemical boundary conditions and, probably, the spatial distribution of a priori anthropogenic emissions of CO2. XCO2 ...
Magnetite Biomineralization and Magnetoreception in Organisms: A New Biomagnetism; Springer Science & Business Media: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2013. 61. Caswell, J.M.; Carniello, T.N.; Murugan, N.J. Annual incidence of mortality related to hypertensive disease in Canada and associations with...