Weasel words are deliberately ambiguous; their double meaning leaves people guessing as to what the speaker is trying to say. The expression grows out of the supposed sneaky habits of real-world weasels. According to folklore, weasels can suck up the content of an egg without damaging its shell...
The containedDataPaths property contains an object, in which each property name is one of different types of data which might be found in the request, with a DataPath spec of where to find that data as a value. These should be the result of the research mentioned above, meaning manual ...
We change our mind all the time when we are dealing with isolated, atomic beliefs. We might experience a minor stab of chagrin when somebody googles us wrong in real time, but it’s a pinprick that passes. When people talk about the difficulty of changing minds, both their own and other...
The containedDataPaths property contains an object, in which each property name is one of different types of data which might be found in the request, with a DataPath spec of where to find that data as a value. These should be the result of the research mentioned above, meaning manual ...