It talks about reproduction and lifestyle, understanding why weasels seem to kill in sprees, and preventing weasels in the chicken coop. It notes that weasels eat rodents and are deemed more beneficial than harmful on farms.SMITH, CHERYL K...
(12). "A weasel got into the chicken coop last night," the old lady said sadly. "It took one of my chickens." Her neighborforted her, "Maybe you can set up some traps." 翻译:“昨晚有只黄鼠狼钻进了鸡舍,”老太太伤心地说。“它叼走了我一只鸡。”她邻居安慰她:“也许你可以设些陷阱。
The monkey chased the people. And after them in double haste, Pop! goes the weasel. 1901 纽约版的前两句 All around the chicken coop, The possum chased the weasel. 美国版本总改来改去是有以下几段 All around the mulberry bush, The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey stopped to pull up ...
Even then, it should be remembered that weasels are generally known for their vicious tempers and bloodlust. Often proved when a lone weasel hasdecimatedan entire chicken coop, eggs and all while only carrying off a single chicken for its midnight snack. Said chicken will have its blood drained...