Weapons are used by Warframes, Archwings, Sentinels, and enemies to cause damage. Weapons can be leveled up for more mod capacity to apply more mods and increase capability. There are three main weapon types used by Warframes: Primary, Secondary, and Mel
Only a limited number of supplies and not sure what to craft? Let us help you out with the five best crafted weapons in-game.
not as many as the Crossbow but what this weapon lacks in ammo, it surely makes up for it in damage. The required level to craft a Compound Bow is level 79, though this weapon is definitely worth the grind of leveling and resource gathering to get one. ...
As such, I've given them the stats and skills necessary to be "decent" in PvP and "fairly good" at PvE content. It isn't an "optimal build", but it's how I decided to play. I don't even look at the stats of other weapons except those two. It doesn't matter. Already made ...