The plutonium isotopic composition is considered as the required characteristic fingerprints in the approach. Hence, plutonium isotopic ratios are used in 3D isotopic correlations for the discrimination purposes. The WG-Pu from the different reactors is well resolved between them. Withi...
(ii) weapon-grade isotopic composition (i.e., the ratio of 240Pu to 239Pu is less than 0.1); and (2) 武器级同位素构成(即,钚240和钚239之比小于0.1);以及 UN-2 Japan has the largest stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium, which are over 40 tons. 日本拥有的武器级钚储备最大,超过...
The estimated isotopic composition of the different types of weapons-grade Pu based on these data suggests generallya much lower241Pu/239(240)Pu ratio for Pu used in the first fisson bombs than for the material taken later on for construction of thermonuclear devies.241Pu/239(240)Pu activity...
Plutonium Uranium-236 Atom ratio 1. Introduction The primary sources of anthropogenic radionuclides in the environment are the atmospheric nuclear tests that were carried out during the period 1945 to 1980. A total of 543 atmospheric detonations were conducted worldwide, with a total yield of 440 ...
The plutonium isotopic composition is considered as the required characteristic fingerprints in the approach. Hence, plutonium isotopic ratios are used in 3D isotopic correlations for the discrimination purposes. The WG-Pu from the different reactors is well resolved between them. Within the light ...
The estimated isotopic composition of the different types of weapons-grade Pu based on these data suggests generally a much lowerPu/Pu ratio for Pu used in the first fisson bombs than for the material taken later on for construction of thermonuclear devies.Pu/Pu activity ratios of 0.9±0.2 ...
Isotopic CompositionPlutonium241Am and238,239(240)Pu concentrations have been determined in soil samples from the Atolls of Mururoa and Fagataufa as well as from Palomaresfor comparison. Mean activity ratios of241Am/239(240)Pu for Mururoa, Fangataufa and Palomares with 0.017±0.005, 0.050±0.012 ...
For this application the initial isotopic composition by weight has been assumed to be weapons-grade plutonium¹ with about 0.65% [sup241]Pu, 93% [sup239]Pu, and the remainder [sup240]Pu. Details of the mathematical derivations and analysis process will be described. The method uses the ...
For this application, the initial isotopic composition by weight has been assumed to be weapons-grade plutonium with about 0.65% ~(241)Pu, 93% ~(239)Pu, and the remainder ~(240)Pu. Details of the mathematical derivations and analysis process will be described.R. P. Keegan...
The following proposal is made to reduce significantly the proliferation incentive of excess weapons plutonium by mixing it with a comparable amount of separated reactor-grade plutonium. Degrading weapons plutonium by changing the isotopic composition will make the construction of nuclear weapons more ...