The higher-yield W88 warhead is currently undergoing a life-extension program that modernizes the arming, fuzing, and firing components, addresses nuclear safety concerns by replacing the conventional high explosives with insensitive high explosives, and will ultimately support future life-extension options...
As of early 2023, we estimate that Russia has a stockpile of approximately 4,489 nuclear warheads assigned for use by long-range strategic launchers and shorter-range tactical nuclear forces. This is a net increase of approximately 12 warheads from last year, largely due to the addition of ne...
The case could be loaded with powder around the insert when it was vertical in a central position, and the cap placed on the top prior to seating the bullet. Upon firing the cases primer sends the nail so percussion cap into the bullet inturn igniting the powder from the top down, gas ...
He had come frustrated at the very complicated rules that saw some batteries not firing much more than a few rounds due to aircraft in the area and the idle crews watching targets fly over them unmolested. An idea was then put before the government that Pile considered one of the most ...
Browning added a grip safety at the request of the U.S. Army. You want a Government contract, you play by their rules. Reply Mu says: August 20, 2014 at 6:31 am The grip safety on the 1911 was needed due to the heave original trigger. The trigger had enough mass that if you...
I just made up three rules for chemical responsibility:1. Don’t hurt anyone else—don’t contaminate honey that’s going to be sold to an unsuspecting buyer, don’t poison your employees or explorative children, and don’t contaminate the environment....