the biggest battle to take place in North America, pitted the largest army in the world at that time against the world’s second largest. A massive and prolonged artillery bombardment — what Robert E. Lee hoped would create a Napoleonic “feu d’enfer” or “Hell’s Fire”– combined wit...
A total of 14 Aldborough nail samples were processed for statistical analysis since enough data points of slag inclusion composition could be measured. As discussed in the section 3.4, seven oxides were chosen – MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, K2O, CaO, TiO2, and MnO – with FeO, P2O5, and SO3 omi...
An American Army Sergeant was entombed for three and a half days beneath the piled wreckage in eastern England, which was shattered by a flying bomb. Sgt. Ed Bearefoot was in a room with two other US soldiers when the flying bomb dropped and the place fell about them. He was thrown ...
Initially, in the late 15h-early 16th c, the pike was the primary offensive weapon of the regiments. The swiss pike doctrine was extremely aggressive; Divide the army in van, main body and rearguard, and advance to contact. Move directly to the charge, do not stop to fight but push di...
In addition to an army of elite soldiers, Saeva is bringing his most powerful lieutenants, his children Immanence and Transcendance. Once again, Legion and Exile forces will need to unite to protect Delta V from this otherworldly army. This Friday, June 6 at "When It's Ready O-clock", ...
Army Medical Research Institute, one can observe that the most poisonous toxins of bacterial origin have an LD50 in the range of 0.001–0.002 μg/kg, a value smaller by several magnitude orders in comparison to the one of the mostly toxic CWs, cholinesterase inhibitors (nerve agents), such ...