A few examples:10mm pistols are very commonplace in early DC, but their lower clip capacity and ammo availability than 9mm gives them a different role.The AMR's damage is much higher than the Sniper RIfle, but the cost and availability of it's.50 MG is an important factor in choosing ...
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?look at battlepass when there are dups Hello, in the battlepass that is currently out last weeks challenge is do 7500 dmg with an assault rifle, then this week the same challenge occured, while trying to complete this goal ...
1.since LADC used original shoc inventory icons for svd and ak74,as a sugesstion you might want to put those back. 2.obviously you put some hard work into this mod and since its a "weapons rebalance" why screw it up by using same zoom factor for sniper scopes and AR scopes(specifica...
Used by: Miyuki Winfield May 21st, 2014 Dust Card Distance Rifle: Kings Victory is a collapsible rifle that combines with a dust card handgun called Queen's Demise to create a Dust Card Sniper Rifle known as Checkmate. Depending on the card suit, it has a different kind of dust. Used ...
I have to do some cleaning up of the loadouts in the next version, splitting the ranks into 8 and possibly having a separate config for sniper and support (heavy weapons) of the various ranks. ReplyGood karma+2 votes daftestofpunks-Feb 8 2018- 135 comments ...