Config Featured 4.06 100,515882 Refined Weapons and Gameplay 4.7a ByState_of_Mind Config 4.78 94,782498 Immersive Combat 1.8 ByArtupaky01 Config Heavy Add-On 4.21 71,468497 Real Flamethrower [Add-On] 1.6 ByOHMYMODZ Config 4.44 119,212403 ...
ByGTAEU-MODS Melee Sword 5.0 9,84732 Anime One Piece-Style Sword ByMasChannel Config 4.89 3,86282 Manual pickups [OIV] CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED 1.2.1 ByZserbo 4.31 77814 FCB/Madrid Weapon Light 1.2 Byjose89yt Assault Rifle 4.88 36,452158 ...
GTA 4 Mods : Modifications Author:Naruto 607 Website|Email Date:24.08.2017 Downloads:18487 |Statistics Filesize:46.629 MB Rating: 10.00 based on 4 votes This is one of my personally created weapon data mod to increase world realism. I've been developing it using the basis of people's othe...
We have good new to all GTA fans – in our website you can find a great variety ofGTA 6 Weapons Mods. It’s a very useful tool to boost your game and make playing much more exciting. If you click onGTA 6 Weapons Mods download, you will be able to explore unseen features. It’s...
Gun Recoil: 更新日志: V1.0: 首发 1.1版: 添加了RSE Realistic 3.7兼容性作为可选文件 V1.2: Redid整个mod 重新加工的力量,穿透力和伤害力(力量已经过量身定制,可用于欣快感) 添加了OIV安装包 新的电影枪口效果而不是逼真的效果 ... Or Replace any Ped you want, just rename the files to whatever ped you want to replace "example: ig_bankman" *如果你想早期访问我的新mod版本,请通过patreon支持我:* ...
GTA V Weapon EditorAuthor: FattyJoeMan | Email Date: 16.05.2015 Downloads: 17467 | Statistics Filesize: 1.916 MBRating: 9.50 based on 2 votes SUBSCRIBE ! NEW MOVIE MODS: A simple GTA V Weapon Editor. Simple table based UI, ...
Adds a weapon wheel to GTA Vice City Next-Gen Edition This mod lets you seamlessly switch weapons just like in GTA V but with a unique Vice City-inspired interface. Enhances gameplay with a smooth and immersive selection system. Original mod by Michael Wojtanis—this version only updates the...
This mod brings a GTA V-style weapon wheel to GTA IV, but with a unique Vice City Next-Gen inspired design. The interface, colors, and icons have been updated to match the Vice City Next-Gen aesthetic, making weapon selection smoother and more immersive.How to Install Extract the contents...
Report File Like itWatch itAward it Description Replaces: All Weapons As you can see, on my previous submissions with GTA 5 sounds on them i was requested by Seele Vollerei and her alter-ego Dark Seele to make a full sound pack along with several handling sounds and a minigun.Rockstar ...