Weapon Crafting, referred to in universe as Shaping is a feature introduced with The Witch Queen expansion which allows players to make, upgrade, and customize their own weapons. It can be accessed by interacting with the Relic found in The Enclave...
炼金武器锻造攻略(Alchemical Weapon Crafting)DDO wiki I.原型武器 炼金原型武器获取通过完成House Cannith Raid:The Master Artificer;完成raid箱子出产或者每完成5次可以从奖励列表选取。The Master Artificer Raid位于C家野外区域,要求完成C家3个前置任务。II.武器锻造 1.炼金武器的材质 ⏹Iron Defender Claws ...
Crafting Constructible? No Deconstructor Yield Dementonite Cluster (x2) Fulgurium Chunk 20s Store Base Price 1000 mk Outposts Expand ExpandTechnical The Ancient Weapon is a weapon of alien design that can be very rarely found within the Alien Ruins. It takes up both hands when eq...
炼金武器锻造攻略(AlchemicalWeaponCrafting) DDOwiki 原型武器 炼金原型武器获取通过完成HouseCannithRaid:TheMasterArtificer;完成raid箱子出产或者每完成5次可以从奖励列表选取。 TheMasterArtificerRaid位于C家野外区域,要求完成C家3个前置任务。 武器锻造 炼金武器的材质 ...