Unlocking a weapon’s standard Aspects is a straightforward (if time-consuming) process. All you need to do is pay the required cost inTitan Bloodto unlock them and pay more each time you want to upgrade them after the fact. Related:It’s too soon for Hades 2 All Hidden Aspects and ho...
Answering one of the biggest questions in Hades: how to upgrade weapons Comments (Image credit: SuperGiant Games) If you want Hades weapon upgrades then you'll need Titan Blood, and know how to unlock the hidden aspects that let you max out a weapon. There's no quick way of doing th...
Hades Ascension - Impulse Obsidian Dust Sword (IODS) Owner: Aglaia Chrysanthos A black version of Holy Transcendence empowered by White Dust. It is better suited as a Dust conductor, allowing it to channel powerful Dust spells. Though powerful, it is deemed too dangerous to be wielded against...