Both positions can be supported by a superficial study of the scriptures, and the philosophy that agrees with one'sown thinking can easily be utilized while leaving others togather dust. It is the intent of this paper to evaluate all themajor teachings of Jesus in the gospels regarding mammon(...
If not properly handled, money and the love of that money can become like a cancer where it will start to slowly eat away at your soul and your personal connection with the Lord. The Bible tells us that it is not the money itself that is the root of all kinds of evil, it is thel...
Due to the popularity of Christianity in the country, the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, has been used in the roora discourse. Roora has been related to the bride wealth mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures in a literal way, although there are also differences between the Jewish and ...
It appears there are as many variations of this verse as there are variations of the Bible. Some have it as God’s destiny motion, and few as a beyond. Some want to apply the phrase “reserve,” a few “keep,” and others “left.” But the point I wish to make is that sooner o...
On the other hand, there are many verses that refer to the destruction of the wicked both in the Old Testament and in the New, including the teachings of Jesus. In fact, Jesus’ teaching on Gehenna and the fate of the wicked is very consistent with the Old Testament scriptures. ...
Wealth was seen as a sign of God's blessing, but it also came with the responsibility to use it wisely and justly. The accumulation of wealth was a common practice, but the Hebrew Scriptures frequently warn against the dangers of greed and the love of money, urging believers to prioritize...
1.The way of vanity, which may represent fraud, gambling, reckless speculation, etc. 2.The way of labour, in all which there is profit (Proverbs 14:23). See frequent commendations of diligence in the Scriptures. III.THE INCREASE OR DECREASE OF WEALTH IS AFFECTED BY THE MODE OF ITS ACQU...
Life is Beautiful! what makes it beautiful? God, Love, Wealth, Family and Peace. I am a window, open me and see life with another perspective- Babashola ayeni.
Wyclif also translated the Scriptures into the vernacular. Fortunately, he lived in the pre-Gutenberg era, so his crime went unamplified by the printing press. In 1381, Balliol College, where he had been master, banished him—a relatively mild sanction. In doing so, Oxford harmed itself more...
I refer to the Scriptures, now, my friends, and give you what it says not for the purpose of convincing you of the wisdom of myself, not for the purpose, ladies and gentlemen, of convincing you of the fact that I am quoting the Scriptures means that I am to be more believed than ...