1. Could you explain bit more about the weakness ? Do you mean general weakness or weakness of any limbs or arms ?2. Do you have any difficulty in raising your arms above your head, combing your shirt, buttoning shirts, wearing slippers , sitting up from squatting position ?3. Also do...
44 、Abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part, especially a drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscleweaknessor paralysis.───下垂一个器官或器官的一部分不正常的下降或垂落,尤其指由肌肉松弛或麻痹引起的上眼睑的下垂 45 、Her health varies from good to rather weak.───她的健...
(facial diplegia) occurs in about 50% of cases. The most common manifestation is leg weakness that subsequently “ascends” into the arms. Although Guillain-Barré syndrome has been described as an “ascending paralysis,” proximal weakness is common, and 5% of cases have isolated cranial nerve ...
A 59-year-old man with neck pain, weakness in the arms, and cranial-nerve palsies. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 11-2007. A 59-year-old man with neck pain, weakness in the arms, and cranial-nerve palsies ... DM Greer,PW Schaefer,SR Plotkin,... - 《New ...
In functionalarm weaknessthere may be involuntary use of the weak arm when the examiner pulls the patient who is standing with crossed arms. Finger abduction This tests synkinetic (fifth-finger abduction) movement of the weak hand during abduction of the healthy fingers (contralateral hand) against...
You obtain additional history from the patient and the spouse. The patient works in a high-stress profession. She has lost 30 pounds in the past 6 months but has been dieting. She experiences fatigue almost daily but does not sleep well at night. The patient had an upper respiratory infecti...
On objective examination reflexes in arms were absent. There was bilateral rather proximal (girdle) weakness (3/5) with some weakness distally (4/5) in upper extremities. Plantar responses were positive. Reflexes in legs were present (not increased). There were fasciculations in deltoids and ...
[Severe dysphagia and erythrodermia in a 59-year-old man]. A 59-year-old man presented with a history of dysphagia and generalized myalgia and muscle weakness and a rash on the face, neck, and upper arms. Serum mus... MA Zuber,M Kouba,SE Rudolph,... - 《Der Internist》 被引量:...
Now, my training is limited to arms and upper back. I hope that someday, I will be able to run as before. Reply peachybum5000 over a year ago I suggest you go to another Doctor for a second opinion . I also have a strange leg, the right leg only, it shakes when l am ...
Usually begin in both legs Then progress upward to the arms When severe, difficulty swallowing and breathing Electromyography and nerve conduction studies A spinal tap Hereditary neuropathies (such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) Muscle wasting (atrophy) Sometimes loss of reflexes Loss of sensatio...