在我读过的论文中,个人认为比较有代表性的是《WEAKLY SUPERVISED VIDEO ANOMALY DETECTION VIA CENTER-GUIDED DISCRIMINATIVE LEARNING》,该文章发表在2020年的ICME上。 之所以认为这篇文章比较有代表性,是因为它没有像其他文章,会针对特征进行优化,网络架构也是采用最简单的全连接层,它的创新就是提出了两个新的Loss函数...
The goal of video anomaly detection is to estimate the abnormal states within a video and locate the abnormal regions within the video sequence (if exist). In a weakly supervised scenario, the training dataset provides video sequences\({X}=\left\{ x_i \right\} ^n_{i=1}\)and video-le...
Weakly-supervised Video Anomaly Detection with Robust Temporal Feature Magnitude Learning 本篇论文收录于ICCV2021,主要介绍了通过弱监督学习来检测视频异常,地址如下: Paper:https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.10030 Code:https://github.com/tianyu0207/RTFM 以下是本人对这篇论文的大致翻译及粗浅理解,作为一个小白,难免...
14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 1Learning Prompt-Enhanced Context Features forWeakly-Supervised Video Anomaly DetectionYujiang Pu , Xiaoyu Wu , Lulu Yang, and Shengjin Wang , Senior Member, IEEEAbstract—Video anomaly detection under weak supervisionpresents signif i cant challenges, particularly due to the...
3. IJCAI 2019:Margin Learning Embedded Prediction for Video Anomaly Detectionwith A Few Anomalies[3] 3.0 Overview 与前面两篇不一样,没有使用UCF-Crime,并且提出了open-set的异常检测的子topic。认为由于异常是无限的,对于open-set,我们常用Metric Learning 例如Triplet Loss等,这里同样也用了Triplet Loss,同时...
Weakly supervisedIn recent years, there has been a proliferation of weakly supervised methods in the field of video anomaly detection. Despite significant progress in existing research, these efforts have primarily focused on addressing this issue within Euclidean space. Conducting weakly supervised video...
对Weakly-supervised Video Anomaly Detection with Robust Temporal Feature Magnitude Learning的进一步总结 传统异常检测的方法对阳性示例的识别,即异常视频中罕见的异常片段,在很大程度上受到优势负示例的影响,特别是当异常事件是细微的异常,与正常事件相比只有微小的差异时。为了解决这一问题,论文中引入了一种新的、...
Kim1 Kwanghoon Sohn1,2* 1Yonsei University 2Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) {sam121796,incohjk,minsukim320,dadaday,khsohn}@yonsei.ac.kr Abstract Weakly supervised Video Anomaly Detection (wVAD) aims to distinguish anomalies from normal events ...
Current weakly supervised video anomaly detection (WSVAD) task aims to achieve frame-level anomalous event detection with only coarse video-level annotatio... P Wu,X Zhou,G Pang,... 被引量: 0发表: 2024年 Diffusion-based normality pre-training for weakly supervised video anomaly detection super...
He mainly focuses on Anomaly Detection, Time-series Forecasting and Quantitative Investment. His works are published in top-tier conferences like NeurIPS and KDD.主题 TITLE Toward Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection摘要 ABSTRACT Anomaly Detec...