论文总共分成了三个阶段:1. Peak Stimulation(峰值激活)---产生CPM(类峰值图)2. Peak Back-propagation (峰值反向传播)---产生PRM(峰值响应图)3.Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation(弱监督实例分割) 一、第一个过程 :Peak Stimulation(峰值激活)---产生CPM(类峰值图) 输入一张图片到全卷积分类器中,得到20...
Instance segmentation usually requires mask annotation, which has a much higher labeling cost than bounding box annotation. In recent years, weakly supervised instance segmentation (WSIS) has drawn great attention with only bounding box annotation needed during training. However, bounding box annotation ...
由我们对局部极大值点的观察,例如CRM的极值点总是对应于实例内部的强烈视觉特征,我们首先设计了一种算法,在网络的训练阶段去刺激极值点出现在CRM中。推理阶段时,已确定的极值点会反向传播去产生每一个实例的高信息区域,称为PRMs(Peak Response Maps),PRM提供具有良好细节的有关每一个实例的代表,进一步会生成分割掩...
We show top results for (bounding box) weakly supervised semantic labelling and, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time report results for weakly supervised instance segmentation. 我们的实验集中在 20 个 Pascal 类 [9] 上,并表明在同一训练集上仅使用边界框注释,我们可以达到完全监督下...
2∗1 South China University of Technology2 Pazhou Laboratorylizecheng19@gmail.com, {zeningzeng, auyqliang}@mail.scut.edu.cn, jingangyu@scut.edu.cnAbstractWeakly supervised instance segmentation (WSIS)using only image-level labels is a challenging taskdue to the diff iculty of aligning coarse...
Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation Anna Khoreva1 Rodrigo Benenson1 Jan Hosang1 Matthias Hein2 Bernt Schiele1 1Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany 2Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany Abstract Semantic labelling and instance segmentation are ...
However, obtaining mask-level annotations is labor-intensive in instance segmentation. To address this issue, we propose a novel yet effective weakly-supervised surgical instrument instance segmentation approach, named Point-based Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation (PWISeg). PWISeg adopts an FCN-...
@INPROCEEDINGS{Zhou2018PRM, author = {Zhou, Yanzhao and Zhu, Yi and Ye, Qixiang and Qiu, Qiang and Jiao, Jianbin}, title = {Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation using Class Peak Response}, booktitle = {CVPR}, year = {2018} }About...
Weakly Supervised Segmentation with TensorFlow This repo contains a TensorFlow implementation of weakly supervised instance segmentation as described in Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, by Khoreva et al. (CVPR 2017). The idea behind weakly supervised segmentation is to...
Cheng, T., Wang, X., Chen, S., Zhang, Q., Liu, W.: Boxteacher: Exploring high-quality pseudo labels for weakly supervised instance segmentation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pp. 3145–3154 (2023) Google Scholar Hamilton, M., ...