MMO-Champion » Forum » Class Discussions » Warrior » [Weakauras] Aesthetic Weakauras for Protection Warrior.Thread Tools 2014-11-02, 03:21 PM #1 Deleted [Weakauras] Aesthetic Weakauras for Protection Warrior. Greetings all! Though i'd share the Weakauras i'm currently using ...
These are a few WeakAuras that we deem essential to playing your Fury Warrior optimally. You do not need all of them, but having any WeakAura for keeping track of your buffs and debuffs is absolutely necessary, while better tracking of Rage is simply helpful. ...
I'm not sure I've wrapped my head around this addon (configuration-wise), been trying to get it configured for my lock and my warrior. I'd like to have it setup for when I enrage, trink procs, and dancing steel procs. Anyone have any input on this or does ElvUI do that for ...
Warrior WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: The War Within Fully customizable Warrior WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: The War Within. They contain a complete setup for all Warrior specializations by covering rotational abilities, cooldowns, resources and utilities. ...
Figured that it was about time to go ahead and compile a list of commonly used WeakAuras for monks. Linking threads/attributing to original authors. Also, feel free to link your own here! If you'd like your WA strings posted here please provide a pict
Describe the bug WA ignores the cooldowns of all spells. for example i use Warrior execute with Action Usable trigger. it starts showing the aura if the target is below 25% health but still shows after that even thoug the skill is on coo...
the issue for hunter (and warrior) is that all the spells with minrange dont get added to the harmRC or harmNoItemsRC tables, (test auto shot, and throw and see, they are not in the tables, only a few items), the unitframes fade at 28 yards, which is the interact:4 fallback....
Warrior-Prot Warrior- Arms Shaman- Elemental Shaman- Resto Priest- Discipline Paladin- Protection Mage- 'A Song of Frost and Fire... and Arcane' 3-in-1 Paladin- Holy Power Bar Druid- Bear More to come! Last edited by mack2887; 2014-11-24 at 09:16 PM. Reply...
UnitFrame.lua:623 ERR_NOAMMO_S = "%s" CHAT_CONFIG_OTHER_COMBAT = { } PlayerTalentFramePanel3Talent25 = PlayerTalentFramePanel3Talent25 { } CONSOLIDATED_BUFFS_PER_ROW = 4 BOOST2_WARRIOR_COLOSSUSSMASH = "Use |cFFFFFFFFColossus Smash|r. |cFFFFFFFFColossus Smash|r increases your damage."...