姓名版插件 里面有别人做好的plater 设定包。 热心网友: 鸡只要不修改,稍微有点追求的近战都应该去冲侏儒工程。。猎人也是。 热心网友: 你找两个怪 打1:1 来回切目标 用你这个稳固宏 你就知道问...
These days if you dont like something about WoW, just make a WeakAura or addon! _Vard_ embraced that concept and decided that the the new gun sounds were not up to snuff and made a WeakAura to fix all that! The BANG sounds WeakAura makes some serious cha
So I imported a WA set from Wago for MM hunter and for some reason, I can change everything apart from the width of the Trueshot bar. Every time I change it then close the WA options menu, it just snaps back to a pre-set width, but someone retains the width I gave it in the ...
Hunter Rogue Priest Shaman Mage Warlock Monk Demon Hunter Death Knight Encounters ~ this is not BigWigs \ DBM ~ but some things are nice to have Torghast Dungeons Castle Nathria Classes (2nd Pass) Druid Druid Affinities Eclipse Graphic (requires model support) Lifebloom Tracking Efflorescene Tra...
4 [经典旧世]Chain Heal Sound (Shadow Hunter Healing Wave from Warcraft 3) 这个插件为《魔兽世界》中的治疗链技能添加了《魔兽争霸3》中暗影猎手的治疗波音效。使用后,当你施放治疗链时,会听到熟悉的WC3音效,带来怀旧感。安装后无需额外设置,音效会自动替换原有的治疗链音效。 99999.9 5 [经典旧世]WoWStu...
The Command Table missions/adventures have been a very hot topic lately, as Soul Ash from them is actually needed to be able to craft a rank 4 legendary this week. Now theres a helpful tool that could help you at the very least not waste time on hopeless
Hunter (10/10M) / Monk (9/10M) / Lock#1 (7/10M) / Lock#2 / Druid Reply With Quote 2013-11-14, 12:07 PM #3 Deleted I've never played with WA much, so I'm not familiar with their frame structure. /fstack, note the frame name for the confirmation frame and insert that in... 姓名版插件 里面有别人做好的plater 设定包。 热心网友: 鸡只要不修改,稍微有点追求的近战都应该去冲侏儒工程。。猎人也是。 热心网友: