Weak correlations among the adults As with the child data, the correlations between the measures in the adult group are weak (Table 3 and Fig. 1B). In addition, all estimated correlations have 95% CIs that cross the zero mark, meaning that the directions of the correlation estimates are...
AHeatmap of correlation coefficients from the regression analysis of diets between the optimal trait values. Darker blue colors indicate a stronger positive correlation, while darker red colors indicate a stronger negative correlation. The size of the circle indicates the strength of the correlation. L...
In ref. 29 the meaning and significance of the imaginary part of the AAV WV has been further exploited. For the Stern-Gerlach setup, if one is able to introduce the "^xA" -type interaction in the system-meter coupling Hamiltonian, i.e., H′ Eq. (7). To be specific, =...
this may have been due to the low rate of past-year gambling participation (9.9%), which reduced the effective sample size for this test (n = 87), meaning that the effect could not have been reliably detected or conclusively
Wic: the word-in-context dataset for eval- uating context-sensitive meaning representations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09121, 2018. (Cited on page 29) Alec Radford, Rafal Jozefowicz, and Ilya Sutskever. Learning to generate reviews and discovering sentiment. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.01444, 2017...
But machine learning models are usually evaluated after training on a large amount of supervision from the evaluation distribution, meaning that machine performance is instead a measure of in-distribution generalization. While both humans and machines are being evaluated on the same test data, two ...
predictionsconcerningweakgravitationallensingandshearareessentiallysimilarto theonesderivedfromGeneralRelativity.Thisisconsistentwithrecentnegative resultsofobservationsoftheMS1224,CL2218andA1689systemsaimimgtoinfer fromthosemethodsthepresenceofdarkmatter.Itisshown,however,thatthe situationisquitedifferentwhenananalysisba...
This complicates the meaning of f as we lose the nice biological relationship to biomass pyramids. In general, the theory presented here will carry over to using density but it is harder to interpret the meaning of the parameters. Here to embody the biological interpretation of biomass pyramids...
Figure1gshows the transverse magnetoresistance (TMR), defined asMR = (ρxx(H)-ρxx(0))/ρxx(0). The main feature of the figure is the overall W shape of the TMR. The W shape becomes deeper upon warming, with the largest negative TMR of 8% appearing at 12 K, which is close...
Many of these debates, such as those concerning the physical meaning of the wavefunction1,2,3, continue to this day. The predominant view among present-day physicists is the Copenhagen interpretation, which treats the square of the wavefunction, ρS(x,t)=|ψ(x,t)|2, (1) as the ...