Alfred O. Hero Contributions Y.A. developed the Bayesian algorithm and analyzed the data, A.D.F. conceived the general methodology, executed the experiments and analyzed the data, M.P. conceived and executed the experiments, S.P. and S.C. conceived the experiments and oversaw the project,...
J. ChicheroIEEESymposium/Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and ApplicationsX. Zhang et al., "The Fourier spectrum analysis of optical feedback self- mixing signal under weak and moderate feedback," in Proc. 4th IEEE Int. Symp. on Electronic Design, Test and Applications, pp. 491-495, ...
The existence of Si/FC interchain interactions was first demonstrated by careful IR measurement and analysis using a model silane molecule. Hierarchical structures at the meso- and nano-scale levels were successfully characterized by AFM, cryo-HR-TEM, IR, and 19F{29Si}-NOE NMR experiments. KEY ...
Hero goes all-in for 14.7bb. BTN calls and mucks J♥T♣. Preflop and Flop Analysis Defending T♥5♣ against a button raise is fine.Versus any of the tighter positions, however, we should probably fold considering how large the open is (2.5bbs). The flop is a clear check-call....
If〉f in the n ≠ 0 Eq. (21) if n = 0 for the new Homodyne for the new Homodyne detection (the ppheroftoornmAed1 poansstehsetphhrootuognhAth1.e modes a1′ and b1′), the state in the Eq. (22) will be |Ψf〉 in the Eq. (21) after Z being Quantum...
Hlooewsse.vHero,wtheevseirg, nthaels spigroncaelssperdocbeyssrelodwbeysrslomweethssodmsesthowdsnsihnotwhne pinenthueltpimenauteltliimneatbeolxinienbdoicxaitnedthicaattethtehasitgtnhael saigmnpaliatumdpelsitubdeceosmbeecowmeeakweerackoemr cpoamrepdarweditwhithethseesseigsinganlapl prorocecess...
Iltt tios gdeitfefifcfuecltt ivtoe fgaeutl teifnffeocrtmivae (3) iInnfothrmisaptaiopne.r , MS is introduced into LMD, and a LMD-MS method which combines the mask (3) Isnig tnhaisl mpaepthero,d MwSi tihs iLnMtroDduhcaesdb ienetno...
(irn/dmleinsp) eaendd (fre/emdirna)taen(md fmee/ds)r.aTtehe(mremad/sin).gTchoenrteroaldoinf gthceowntorroklionfgthsteatweoforkr- inthge setnadte-effoferctthoer ceonmd-mefufencictoartecsowmitmhuthneicuatpepsewr citohmtphueteurptpheror ucgohmapusetreiralthproorut.gThhae ssteartieal ...
uArisncgotmhepared with rtehaectZivneOd/epAoLsiOtiofinlmof,ZdniOffefrilemnst satsrcuocmtupraarledevwoiltuhtiZonnOogfrZainnOs (dfr(1o01m) ~1p3otsot-2a4nnnmea)lfionrgmoefdtthheroZung/hALO film iasnnreeflaleincgteadpiunretZhen fdilimstionncAt lX2OR3D(0021-)θsusbcsatnratpesat(tZenr/...
MKJC3.0 data acquisition software is a natural frequency acquisition software with real-time signal monitoring, storage and analysis processing functions. Notably, to avoid the influence of an external medium on the dynamic parameters of the coal body and to reduce its damping ratio, as shown in ...