Weak Entity Sets An entity set that does not have a primary key is referred to as a weak entity set. The existence of a weak entity set depends on the existence of a identifying entity set it must relate to the identifying entity set via a total, one-to-many relationship set from the...
even if the host state alters the conditions.Footnote81The IO is represented at the state level by its office deployed there, known as the country office or mission. If the IO were
Balog K (2018) Entity-oriented search. the information retrieval series. Springer International Publishing, New York Google Scholar Banerjee S, Tsioutsiouliklis K (2018) Relation extraction using multi-encoder lstm network on a distant supervised dataset. In: IEEE 12th International Conference on ...
We evaluated four methods of combining labeling functions to train entity classifiers. (1) Majority vote (MV) is the majority class for each word predicted by all labeling functions. In cases of abstain or ties, predictions default to the majority class. (2) Label model (LM) is the default...
That traipsing mindset in effect, its adherents devote themselves almost exclusively to culture’s underdogs. The stronger entity is always wrong (or outright evil), while any individual or group in the weaker position is honorable and worthy of endless defense. Sadly, for these doe-eyed, hope...
[Pre01b]thatanyalgorithmthatcorrectlysolvesaproblemPinCORDA,correctlysolvesPinSSM.So,anyalgorithmdescribedinCORDAalsoworksinSSM.1DistributedModel.Weadoptthemodelintroduced[SY96],intheremainderreferredasSSM—standsforSemi-SynchronousModel.Thedistributedsystemconsideredinthispaperconsists of n mobile robots (entity,...
These Spans may also be tagged with metadata, such as Entity markers identifying them as chemical or disease mentions (Fig. 4). A candidate is then a tuple of two Spans. 2.1 A language for weak supervision Snorkel uses the core abstraction of a labeling function to allow users to specify ...
The ToM task is composed of three steps: (1) text preprocessing; (2) medical entity identification; and (3) latent semantic analysis. Most structured biomedical text data commonly needs classic preprocessing techniques, including data cleaning, stop-word removal, punctuation removal, tokenization, ...
In these designs, replication is provided by blocks, and there usually is a single value for each experimental unit, where the experimental unit is the smallest entity to which a treatment is applied. However, in the present study, there were several observed values for each experimental unit,...
The mechanism model is a mathematical expression of a physical entity or physical phenomenon, which has a mathematical mapping of rules and belongs to the prior knowledge of the data-driven model. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the causes of burrs and their relevant change processes. 3.1. ...