Weak-axis moment connectionConnection performanceFinite element analysisS275 steelEuropean profilesCyclic loadingEarthquakes that occurred in recent years showed that the appropriate design of steel connections has a great effect on the seismic performance of the whole steel structural system. Extensive ...
In Korea on the other hand, researches on the seismic behaviours of weak-axis moment connections are difficult to fine even though these connection details have been frequently used as seismic details of local MRF. As a result, the objective of this research is to provide information on the ...
The cyclic testing of two full-scale specimens investigated the seismic performance of the column-tree type and the welded unreinforced flange-bolted web (WUF-B) type weak-axis steel moment connections, which were manufactured according to existing and widely used major-axis steel moment connections...
This paper presents an experimental study on a developed weak-axis column-tree moment connection subjected to horizontal cyclic loading. In order to study possible positive or negative effect of a composite slab on the seismic performance of the proposed connection, six cruciform specimens were ...
aThe deck slab is modeled with rectangular shell elements. The girders are modeled with frame elements connected to shell elements at each joint. They are free to rotate but restrained vertically at each end. This will capture the contribution of girders’ weak-axis moment of inertia to the sup...
In addition to the connection between the column flange and beam section, the connection between the column web and beam section (i.e. the weak-axis connection) is also required. Therefore, the hysteretic behavior of uncoupled and coupled steel plate shear walls with this connection form was ...
d This leads to the local formation of magnetic domains caused by magnetic moment disorder, e which in turn localizes carrier transport. Here, the energy expended \({U}_{{eff}}\) is proportional to the motion trajectory length l. f Schematic representation of the physical model for carrier...
To investigate the response of the bolted base connection under the combined column axial compression and weak-axis lateral load, three specimens were prepared and tested. The test parameter varied in the specimens was the technology used to develop the angles in the bolted base connection. The ...
Finally, near the pole, a drastic change in the shadow shape occurs due to stretching of the \(\alpha \)-axis. For the symmergent effects, we note that the dS type tends to decrease the photonsphere radius. Nevertheless, as photons travel in the intervening space under the effect of ...
experience. And now it is true of the next wave of tech. Sam Altmann of OpenAI opens a recent essay: “In the next couple of decades, we will be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents.” Once you start looking for the technology-magic connection, you...