Best Hunter WeakAuras 2.1. All-In-One Hunter Pack Luxthos' Hunter Packis a straightforward WeakAura package that contains pretty much everything you need to play your Hunter optimally. If you do not have a dedicated UI set up for your Hunter, this is a great place to start. ...
If you like these weak auras, or if you have any tips on how to improve them, feel free to private message me here or leave a comment. Thank you.Last edited by vampiricx; 2015-06-27 at 03:43 PM. Reason: Added marksmanship support check out my hunter weak auras, click hereReply...
I use a modified version of your auras on my hunter. Except for the hunter main bar. It is better to put a click-through action bar in this place, and just put the spells there that you want to monitor. That is easier to set up and gets rid of an entire button group in WeakAura...
2. You could technically combine the Chaos Bolt Skull Banner and Dark Soul auras into one and just add in a 3rd trigger, but I see your reasoning as to why it's 2 different ones. 3. Chaos Bolt High Ember is going to always display regardless of your ember count since the aura isn'...
Láthus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay
Something similar to your Thogar assist weakaura, but much more simple: EditedJuly 24, 2015by Manager Quote Krazyito The Kraziest of Itos ...
Heres my Chaos Bolt Auras updated with newest trinkets. As said before it shows your procs with a simple Yes/No if your chaos bolt when cast will hit target with that active buff. This one is more outdate because it will activate for demonbolt, Same procs...
Every time I try to import the demo group from the main page my WA crashes and I lose all auras and I either have to go back and find the file where they were stored before the crash (depends if the file is there still) or import all of them from my pastebin. All I want out ...
Anyway, hope you guys like the auras and let me know if you have some ideas or if there's any bugs. Weak Aura Compilations: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight, Prot Paladin & Destro Warlock Reply With Quote 2016-08-17, 10:08 AM #1526 Deleted Hey, Absoluutly love the Demo ...
Hunter (10/10M) / Monk (9/10M) / Lock#1 (7/10M) / Lock#2 / Druid Reply With Quote 2013-11-19, 12:08 AM #438 Duracells Field Marshal Join Date Sep 2012 Location Outlands Posts 61 Originally Posted by Woz The stacking is a separate spell ID so you need 2 auras layered ...