These are a few WeakAuras that we deem essential to playing your Fury Warrior optimally. You do not need all of them, but having any WeakAura for keeping track of your buffs and debuffs is absolutely necessary, while better tracking of Rage is simply helpful. ...
Updated the main post quite a bit as I had found a number of auras weren't able to be imported properly because of bad coding that comes out when exporting when using WA and ElvUI together. I've since updated all the ones that were broken (as far as I could tell) and added a num...
~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~Reply With Quote 2013-11-15, 05:14 PM #422 uconnfan34 Keyboard Turner Join Date Mar 2013 Posts 9 Thanks, great info for when I need to make one. I got a string compliments to lockybalboa on Ner`Zhul ye...