Current supported buffs: Skull Banner, Dark Soul, T16 4pc, Bindings of Immerseus, Kadris' Toxic Totem and Black blood. Weakaura string: Interesting little set of auras. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~ Reply Wit...
Ty. Yep you sure can. On the front post the entire aura for Black Blood has that exact aura in it. Just import that and you'll find it in there. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~ Reply With Quote ...
Hi, I have a weak auras string to display the duration of haunting spirits [The buff you gain from Soulburn: Haunt], but I was wondering if there is a way to modify it so that it pulses [or show any motion effect] when the duration of the buff is less than 5 seconds? Ah nvm I...
First time trying out weak auras, and i think i'll like it more once i get used to it but for now im enjoying being able to use these lovely imports you set up, thank you so much! My question is i imported one,the skull banner and it has like this line of little locks going ...
Does This include The Blood shield Ammount from death strike (blood DK's) as well as bone armor? really Like the setup Reply With Quote 2012-11-21, 08:11 PM #65 Deleted Neat! Gonna try it once I get on my DK, some day... Reply With Quote 2012-11-21, 08:21 PM #66 ...
Hi, I just made a very very little project with Weak Auras: it shows runes/runes CD, RP, diseases on target, our health bar, health bar of the target and swing timer plus the major procs of all our specs (SD and timmy's buffs, Rime and KM, bone shield and blood shield). I'd...
I've never used weak auras but now that ive got 2 rpm trinkets, i think i need to have it. If i just install it will i have to go back and cut and paste all the above into the UI, or is this all baked in already? /WA to bring up the menu and under Add the very last ...