While these things could potentially be fixed in your aura setup, it'll take you a longggg time to do it. Good luck either way! Many thanks for this! 1) Yeah, ideally, I'd add a custom trigger based off your trinkets, but I'm not even sure that's possible yet. 2) Oh yeah 3...
Krippzz Field Marshal Join Date Jun 2013 Posts 50 Anyone have Sandman's Weak Aura. Search the thread and no-joy. Reply With Quote 2016-07-20, 07:46 AM #1362 Deleted Im looking for a new WA to track the 5 soulshards. Prefer one who looks like the one the youtube clip on ...
aura 1 - casting cb (aura won't show anything): trigger tab > custom > event > combat log > spell > cast: unit: player spell: chaos bolt time to hide: 0 actions tab on trigger > custom WA_EMBERS_ON_CAST = UnitPower("player",14,true) aura 2 - cb hits (won't show anything)...
Ya I have a respectable rig and don't have any lag from that LUA error and haven't since I made the aura in MoP. Originally Posted by crudo is there a way to solve my second problem ? "the second problem is, my Grimoire : Doomguard wa. i try to let it show me the duration...
And for the AD aura - I'm really not sure why it wouldn't work for you (or spews errors) but works absolutely fine for me. Maybe it's got something to do with how WA functions with ElvUI, haven't been able to duplicate it past the first day of patch. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~...
To clarify things up for me: You want an aura wich plays a sound when the cooldown of Rapture has finished? Code: d4tifaGEfPQBJc7sc2guQdtQzcrzUqXSL0LfUPscltr9niY1uIDkYEP2nr7xjP(juXWi43Q6VkyOqjnyLKmCu5GkLojeCmu15GOAHkILcv1IvkwoWdHqpf5XQ45GMOsIMkKMSknDPUiHAAkvpdLCDrTrLuTvfjAZs02jK...
I have a question about WA version of Affdots aura on the first page. Is there any way to display the numbers from Affdots too? I'm mostly interested in getting the "c" from Perfect Aim procced Dooms, I would appreciate any help. Would love this as well. The only relevant function ...
I stopped using the aura and then reformatted and didn't save that aura so was just going my memory. I'll double check for ya. - - - Updated - - - Originally Posted by Shawx Hey Guys, Im using WA for a long time now and im still pretty good at creating things like I want ...
http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/imp-tracker ... I'm interested in a weak aura similar to those people have shared which display Conflagrate or Hand of Gul'dan charges. However, I want it to display Dark Soul charges, applicable when Archimonde's Darkness talent is taken. If anyone ...
插件简介:WeakAuras是一个强大而灵活的框架,wa字符串它允许在《魔兽世界》的用户界面上显示高度可定制的图形,以指示增益、减增益和其他相关信息。 最新版本: WeakAuras是一个强大而灵活的框架,它允许在《魔兽世界》的用户界面上显示高度可定制的图形,以指示增益、减增益和其他相关信息。这个插件被创建为Power aura的轻...