The new format for the main post will be as follows: Each specialization will have it's own section Anyone who posts an aura set or posts a single aura that is high demand, etc will have it copied/linked to in this post The code for these auras can
You can modify it all you'd like for your own personal use but here is what you requested with the aura (though still in the middle of the screen): Code: dGZbdaWsvvQDHQQxRQi7tvbZKQO5QQkZMIVPQq7eO9s2nI9lf(ja8xu53IAOiPgSKYWvLdkjDkvv4ysrhgLfcOLIQYIrvwoLEOK4PkpwepxLHjstvIjJetx4Iu...
i did some time ago used the weak aura from affinichi with the renew mist tracker. now i wanted to edit the code to watch the raidwide guard. the spell id is 118604 and now i have the problem, that when guard hits one raidmember i only get "ReM" in the icon and not the stacks...