Láthus Holy Paladin Weak Auras 7.0(Legion) About me: I have been raiding since 2006 (As a healer ONLY) in and out of top 100 US guilds. I have always used addons to enhance my gameplay, I firmly believe addons should be used to enhance gameplay
Maybe you are talking about the weak aura the add-on has on its page? I am not the add-on developer so I cannot comment on it's functionality. Although, it should be able to be moved by typing /baid options and unlocking the radar. You can also change the size. I think you are...
Each aura also has a border aura. Demonology: Demonology Bar 2: Dark Soul: Knowledge http://pastebin.com/4kX8akVN Demonology Bar 2: Demonic Bolt http://pastebin.com/npHtuLMK Demonology Bar 2: Demonic Synergy http://pastebin.com/0UkdXsni Destruction: Destruction Bar 2: Dark Soul: ...
Made icon glows work for backdraft (getting to be quite the if/then aura). Check out my other weak aura collections in my signature. Last edited by khakhan; 2016-08-21 at 09:34 PM. Weak Aura Compilations: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight, Prot Paladin & Destro Warlock Reply ...