Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!(人与自然:环境保护)(解析版).pdf,Unit 13 We’retryingtosavetheearth ! 人与自然:环境保护——环境污染及其原因,环保意识和行为。 目录 内容 板块一 话题短语小知识 板块二 话题经典小故事 板块三 话题时文阅读 板块四 话
Bachelors 罩身溪 are never hired for the sales force , and salesmen who get divorced , or whose wives die , know they had better remarry or begin looking ahead toward a different job . 单身汉永远都不会做销售员。离婚或者丧偶的销售员都很清楚他们最好再婚或者去另谋他 职。 Strangely enough ...
Unit 1 A new startUnderstanding ideas P 23 My First Day at Senior High我的高中第一天Monday 4 September9月4日星期一1 After I had pict