Stephan Prantl,, april 2003:I founded We The People in 1991 by printing our logo on T-shirts. In 1996 I started using the name We The People to fill the demand in the German bike market for a small, rider-owned and ?managed BMX brand. ...
WE THE PEOPLE SHIRTFeatures the stencil logo shirt from We The People.Bmx Plus
进bios里面启动模式改成legacy以后,不卡logo了,但是进不去系统,只显示黑屏左上角一个白色的横线,改回UEFI就卡logo,换了几个pe都不行,WEPE、大白菜啥的都试了,都同样的情况。 cpu是 5600G,16G金百达内存,京造麒麟512固态 分享53 战斗机吧 丽帝 B-21突袭者首飞美国时间2023年11月10日,B-21突袭者首飞成功。