英文:In this referendum, the voices of 'We the People' were fully heard and respected. 4. 英文同义表达: (1) 'the people':这个表达较为简洁,也常用来指代全体人民,但可能缺少“we”所带来的强调和集体感。 (2) 'all of the people' 或 'all people':这两个表达更加...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Joshua Taylor演唱的高清音质无损We the Peoplemp3在线听,听We the PeopleAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
丧尸逃离塔可夫《我们的人民》We The People 硬核FPS游戏 00:43 高达328的多人联机打恐龙游戏《恐龙浩劫》EXOPRIMAL首发加入XGP,这不叫上好兄弟一起冲? 00:48 免费多人联机恐怖游戏《陌生人Z》StrangerZ,有中文 支持最多四人联机 00:43 全新的多人联机恐怖游戏来了,游戏名《Gluua》,支持简体中文 01:01 ...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Heir Apparent演唱的高清音质无损We, The Peoplemp3在线听,听We, The PeopleAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
"We the people" 通常用作一个短句的开头,后面跟着一个主语和动词,形成一个完整的句子。例如:"We the people of the United States..." 这个句子中,"we" 是主语,"the people" 是修饰词,"of the United States" 是附加成分,而省略号部分则应该是动词和其他补充信息。"We the people who are here today...
Has left a hopeful impulse behind in the world It's Steppa and Timbali So me go so then Well if it's we the people Why it have to be so evil Somebody tell why it have to be this way Implant was in the heads of today Well if it's we the people Given lifetime is...
)“We the People”在这里不仅强调了美国政府的权力来自人民,也表明了人民在政治决策中的核心地位。这种表述方式体现了人民主权的思想,即政府的权力来源于人民的授权,政府应该为人民服务,尊重和保护人民的权利。此外,“We the People”也被广泛用于各种政治演讲、文件和口号中,...
Joe Biden does the media embraces Big Don does it and they call him racist We the people Ooh let's go Brandon We the people Ooh let's go Brandon We the people Ooh let's go Brandon We the people F**k Facebook f**k Twitter too And the mainstream media f**k you too too too Wo...