he points out. If he'd been crying and flailing about, Binti might have seen him as a threat. "We were lucky in so many ways that day."Binti Jua's name is Swahili, and means "Daughter of Sunshine," which seems appropriate for an animal that ...
Palliser’s natural intelligence, social skills and outdoor accomplishments revealed his true talents; writes Spry, ‘as much at home in Rome or Heidelberg as he was in Dublin or London, on a Scottish grouse moor or in the Swiss Alps as he was in the wild, beautiful Comeragh Mountains of...
The continued denial by the current Zanu pf government that Mugabe was removed from power through a military coup creates an interesting tradition of denying wrong doings by the State to gain and sustain power. The day Mugabe made his first and last appearance surrounded by men in uniform and ...
Translated, this roughly means in Swahili, here comes the lion, a lion comes to this open place. After looking up the actual words, I cannot believe how wrong my pronunciation has been all these years! Growing up I absolutely loved The Lion King; the music, the story, the beautiful anima...