NBC-owned KNTV-TV San Jose will receive an award for an investigative series that chronicled the misuse of school police officers to discipline students. Tribune Broadcasting Company’s FOX affiliate WITI-TV Milwaukee will be awarded for challenging public opinion about laws intended to safeguard ...
Some mothers will take their children to doctors for treatment that is not necessary - called Munchausen's by Proxy. Women with false stalking syndrome will go to the police, ministers, friends and others to gain support, friendship and escape from problems in their life. It has not been ...
275 photos taken by a former Syrian police officer who had to document the mutilation, the abuse, the beatings and the torture on the bodies of the detainees in two government prisons in Syria.
has undermined even where the standard of care is clear. Fourth, medical providers would benefit from training about which disclosures the HIPAA Privacy Rule are permissive, rather than mandatory. Finally, we all must “reimagine health care as being off-limits from police.” Many social ills, ...
Although the number of child eligibility letters the government issues is supposed to be public information, it became available on thetrafficking office’s websiteonly after I filed a Freedom of Information Act request. The numbers confirmed what Lisa (a woman who finds victims for the police) ...
In July, police in Xiamen, Fujian province, sent pictures of five women, suspected of pickpocketing on shopping streets, to its WeChat followers. Within 24 hours, the case was closed, Hou said. "It showed great potential in governments' use of WeChat, meaning the application can play a mo...
Tell your line manager straightaway so that we can take action, report it internally and externally as needed, and investigate the causes to prevent similar incidents happening in the future. 23 I stand for the Code Eugenio Control & Instrument ACE Engineer I stand for the Code Frank Site ...
Cannonballs for police officers and fire fighters The circus trick of firing a person from a cannon is being patented by DARPA as a way […] Regine May 16, 2006 transport Shape-shifting car will brace for impact Researchers at Siemens in Germany are developing a car that can anticipate...
Art City Bologna:AMan Was Lynched by Police Yesterday WRead More Conceived as a reaction to police violence in the U.S.A., A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday bears a warning that travels uncomfortably easily through history and space ...
Some parents had negative experiences with child welfare services and feared that their children would be taken away from them and placed in foster care, or that the police would be involved. Over-surveillance and over-policing of black children by the child welfare system (cf. Dettlaff et al...