And let’s not even talk about his donkey, who’s currently experiencing a case of explosive diarrhea – more concerned about the loud booms in Beirut’s Damien district than the national crisis at hand. He’s left with only one option: smoke signals! But to whom? Meanwhile Maj. Gen. H...
even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified
If everyone knew what everyone else was experiencing, the human race would have unconditional love. This is the light that no-one on Earth knows in full because the total brain can only be in operation in the dimension of the light. Total brain means total telepathy. It is like how ...
“We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to make known. The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own. “Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining, Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom di...
Penny: We would have never guessed when looking up at the stars from Africa to Alabama, we would one day be sister’s standing in the same light. Experiencing the sweetness of the Holy Spirit weaving threads of life and hope through each of us to form an unbreakable ...
This Site Is About Experiencing Earth As It Is In Heaven, Inspiring Creativity, Imagination, Hope, Faith and Love. Traveling through life with curiosity rather than judgement is how we find the miracle in each moment… Meditate on these things… I will attempt to write down words, reaching de...
"Those opportunities exist with resource development in remote areas, with the shortage of labour the Canadian economy is going to be experiencing. And I want to see aboriginal people, particularly young aboriginal people, take advantage of those opportunities." An informal delegation that includes in...
In the beginning of her hospitalization, this woman’s heart was hard and closed, but after experiencing the love of God through hospital staff, she is soft and open to prayer. Please pray for the healing and salvation of her soul! While we have seen God perform inexplicable physical ...
"Our bodies are going to want us to sleep in later relative to the clock after this, so if we don't go to bed early enough to allow for a full night of sleep, we're just going to be sort of chronically sleep deprived on top of the shift that we're experiencing," she explains....
“Throughout all of this he also meditated regularly, and when he reached middle age, developed the ability to enter deep trances during which he left his body and visited what appeared to him to be heaven and conversed with ‘angels’ and ‘spirits.’That Swedenborg was experiencing somethin...